MiSP is a non-profitable company based in the UK founded by Richard Burnett and Chris Cullen, school teachers and mindfulness practitioners, in the belief that young people in their classrooms could benifit from learning mindfulness skills.

This web design project aimed to create a platform where users could understand the concept of mindfulness, sign-up and participate in the MiSP's different courses and curriculas.

Webdesign . UI . UX . Branding . Typography

Site map

After understanding the main purpose of the platform and doing some user research, I had to define the architecture of the website. The idea was to create a flow that connects the main sections of the website, taking the user into a journey that starts by understanding what mindfulness is, the MiSP practices and finally engage them into participating on one of their curriculas.

Homepage map

Defining the framework of the homepage was a priority in order to organize the most important information about the business in the landing page.


Color Palette

This monochromatic blue color scheme was chosen to represent the various steps that users need to endure to achieve the highest position as a Lead Mindfulness Teacher.

Main color scheme of the MiSP brand.




Career Steps

With a process diagram presenting the MiSP Career, users will understand the journey that they have to commit and how the steps represent different parts of the hierarchy.

Step 3



The MiSP history throughout the years is presented with a scrolling infography.


On this section of the website, all the important studies and information about Mindfulness studies is presented in four different categories.

Explaining Mindfulness

In order to engage users into participating in their mindfulness courses, it's important that, first, users understand what mindfulness is.

Presenting Curriculas

The curriculas, as their main product, have their unique pages where users can get information about the different lessons, benefits and dates of the upcoming courses.

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Nuvolar Works

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I want to offer my skills and my ability to develop projects from inception through production to final delivery.
I see them as a high value contribution to any kind of business.